Ideas To Decorate A Small English Patio

The English patio is located at a lower level of the land where the house sits. This means it enjoys privacy and shade, which are its strengths when creating a well-being room, whether as a garden or as an intimate outdoor place where you can practice sports or relax. If you need to learn how to decorate a small English patio, these are our six proposals.

Turn It Into A Small Garden

If your English patio is in front of the façade of the house, we recommend transforming it into a small garden, which will be the best entrance. English gardens, also known as cottage gardens, are characterized by a wild appearance that you can achieve by planting the following species: roses, lavender, evergreen or fruit trees, and aromatic, medicinal and wild herbs.

Before you start planting, ask the nursery for the most suitable varieties for the type of climate in the region where you live. Professional opinion, based on the climate and type of soil, is essential for your garden to look in all its splendour. Another good trick is to give continuity to the English patio by re-eating colour patterns and creating stripes or plots.

 Transform It Into A Small Outdoor Living Room.

Being below ground level, an English patio is perfect for creating an outdoor living room with complete privacy. For a British feel, purchase a set of wrought iron tables and chairs to sit comfortably and have tea.

The textiles for your English patio should convey the essence of the place. Choose warm fabrics and checkered or floral prints to achieve an English aesthetic.

Turn It Into A Meeting Point With Family And Friends.

If your English oasis is a backyard, you can organize an area for family and friends gatherings. If space limitations block you, think about setting up a small girl with legs for informal meals, with a narrow, long, higher, bar-type table for eating standing up. Some bright garlands, flowers and candles will do the rest.

Include A Mini Pool.

They are easier to maintain and cheaper to build, so there is no silver lining. If you use them for swimming, go for long, narrow models. If it is for the children to splash around a little or get their feet wet, you can select square mini pools with little depth. It is better to choose a minimalist style that adapts to the terrain, which, being semi-buried, will allow you to have a small above-ground pool. Decorate its edges with lanterns and put a pouf to sit on.

 Add To Age Space.

When the space is small, order is essential to get the most out of it aesthetically and functionally. Go for camouflaged storage modules to keep your English pa io clear. To make the place look perfectly organized, draw out well-defined and easy areas with carpets of plants combined with free, paved, or gravel areas.

Turn It Into A Patio Of Lights.

Lighting is crucial for shady patios like these. While it is true that a large part of its charm lies in preserving the semi-darkness so that it conveys mystery, it must also be cozy. To do this, always light from the bottom up. This way, you will highlight the plants’ volume and colour and play with light and shadows. The different light points must be hidden or concealed: LEDs, fibre optics, buried light sources, or directional spotlights will help you achieve a very elegant light patio.